1954 - 1955
Beverly Duperrouzel '55, & Bruce Fletcher '55 v. Norma Trippodo '55 & Herb Lacayo '56
"Resolved: that the United States should extend diplomatic recognition to Communist China."
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Fred Roberts '56
Image: Florida State University Libraries, 1955
Margaret Malloy '56 and Arnold Greenfield '58
Image: Florida State University Libraries, 1955
Arnold Greenfield '58 & Tom Woods '56 at the Miami Invitational Tournament on January 26, 1955.
Photo: Young Debate, Phifer Collection
R to L: Fred Roberts '56, GA Betty Flory '59, Bruce Fletcher '57, Barbara Chambers '58, and Karl/Charlie Edwards '56 at the West Georgia Invitational Tournament on February 3, 1955.
Florida State Fletcher & Roberts (Negative) and Florida State Chambers & Edwards (Affirmative) won third place.
Image: Young Debate, Phifer Collection, 1955
Arnold Greenfield '58, Tom Woods '56, Jean Bleichner '59, Karl (Charles) Allen '55, Norma Trippodo '57, Ray Fountain '58, Peter Nimkoff '54, and Herb Lacayo '56 at the Gulf States Speech Festival in Hattiesburg, Mississippi at Mississippi Southern College on February 10, 1955.
Greenfield & Trippodo (Affirmative) and Lacayo & Woods (Negative) win First Place.
Image: Young Debate, Phifer Collection, 1955
Bruce Fletcher '57, Karl Edwards '56, and Earl Carroll '55 at the Southern Speech Association Congress on Human Relations in Memphis, Tennessee on April 5, 1955.
Image: Young Debate, Phifer Collection, 1955
"Nimkoff Urges Senate." Florida Flambeau, October 1, 1954, p. 1.
Florida Flambeau, March 13, 1954, p. 3.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida Flambeau, October 8, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
R to L: Arnold Greenfield, Beverly Duperrouzel, Norma Trippodo, and Bruce Fletcher.
Florida Flambeau, February 18, 1955, p. 4.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
"Resolved: that the United States should extend diplomatic recognition to the Communist Government of China." Florida State Woods & Twyford recognized for debate at last year's Alabama Tournament.
Florida Flambeau, October 1, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Exhibition debate between Affirmative Tom Woods and Negative Norma Trippodo on the question "Resolved: that Women are the Weaker Sex."
Florida Flambeau, October 8, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Two one person debates v. British held on November 24, 1954.
Florida Flambeau, October 29, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Beverly Duperrouzel, Norma Trippodo, Bruce Fletcher, Fred Roberts, Herb Lacayo, Tom Woods, and GA Elizabeth Flory attend Ninth Annual Alabama Discussion Conference.
Florida Flambeau, November 9, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Fifth Annual International Debate Moore & Bradley v. India and 1953-1954 Season Highlights.
Florida Flambeau, November 12, 1954, p. 10.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Sixth Annual International Debate November 24, 1954.. GA Betty Flory v. British "Resolved: the exclusion of Communist China from the United nations would be a negation of the purposes of that organization." Peter Nimkoff v. British "Resolved that the welfare state endangers our liberties."
Florida Flambeau, November 19, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
GA Betty Flory and Peter Nimkoff in two one person debates v. British, Derek Bloom and Peter Tapsell.
Florida Flambeau, November 23, 1954, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
"Student Vote Split On Debate: Majority Says Not To Recognize Red China Government."
King, Maryliz. "Bloom Views American Scene: He Elaborates On American Women, McCarthy, China."
Florida Flambeau, December 3, 1954, p. 1 & 4.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Editorial by Martin Dyckman for freedom of speech criticizing some schools' decisions to disallow student to debate "Red China" topic.
Florida Flambeau, December 14, 1954, p. 2.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
by Norma Trippodo
lorida State Margaret Malloy & Arnold Greenfield win best affirmative team at Agnes Scott Debate Tournament, January 14-15, 1955. Fred Roberts and Bruce Fletcher debated on the Negative and GA Ted Clevenger was coach.
Florida Flambeau, January 18, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida State Fred Roberts & Bruce Fletcher (third place Negative team) and freshman team Barbara Chambers & Earl Edwards on the affirmative together placed third at the West Georgia College Debate Tournament, February 4-5, 1955.
Florida State Norma Trippodo & Arnold Greenfield defeated University of Texas, Wake Forest, University of South Carolina, Florida Christian and Emory at the University of Miami Debate Tournament, January 27-29, 1955.
Florida Flambeau, February 8, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida State Debate Team hosts joint discussion with Politics Club about whether the United States should extend diplomatic recognition to Communist China.
Florida Flambeau, February 11, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida State Duperrouzel & Trippodo and Fletcher & Roberts in exhibition debate forPolitics Club, February 16, 1955.
Florida Flambeau, February 15, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Account of exhibition debate for the Politics Club. Florida State Duperrouzel & Trippodo Affirmative v. Greenfield & Fletcher Negative on the topic "Resolved: that the United States should recognize Red China."
Florida Flambeau, February 18, 1955, p. 4.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Sixth Annual Florida Sate University Invitational Debate Tournament, February 25-27, 1955. Affirmative Teams: Florida State Trippodo & Greenfield, Alexander & Duperrouzel, Chambers & Edwards. Negative Teams: Florida State Roberts & Fletcher, H. Lacayo & Woods, Carroll & Lambert, and Kilbourn & Bachman,
Florida Flambeau, February 25, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida State Debate Places Third.
Florida Flambeau, March 1, 1955, p. 4.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida Flambeau, March 15, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida Flambeau, March 29, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida State Trippodo & Greenfield Affirmative and Woods & H. Lacayo Negative with GA Betty Flory attend the Fifteenth Annual Tau Kappa Alpha National Convention @ the University of Ohio. Fletcher, Edwards, Carroll and coach Phifer attend the Southern Speech Association Congress of Human Relations at the SSA Silver Anniversary Conference in Memphis, TN.
Florida Flambeau, April 5, 1955, p. 1.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
TKA: Florida State Trippodo & Greenfield (Affirmative) and Woods & Lacayo (Negative), Beverly Duperrouzel and GA Betty Flory.
SSA Human Congress: Carroll, Fletcher and Edwards with Coach Phifer.
Florida Flambeau, April 15, 1955, p. 4.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Florida Flambeau, May 17, 1955, p. 3.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Second Annual Southeastern Summer High School Speech Institute at Florida State University. Ten teams debated in the Institute Tournament on the topic "Resolved: that governmental subsidies should be granted according to need to high school graduates who qualify for additional training." First Place: Miami Jackson HS Patsy Baird '59 & Bob Revennaugh; Second Place: Miami Jackson HS Rosa Castro '58 & Joanne Sparks; Third Place: Julie Sussmann of Miami Jackson HS & Melvin Peters of Leon HS.; First Speaker: Rita Russell, Miami Jackson HS; Second Speaker: Richard Essen, Coral Gables HS.
Patsy Baird '59 and Rosa Castro '58 matriculated to FSU.
Florida Flambeau, July 28, 1955, p. 4.
Image: Florida State University Libraries
Watchtel Award
National Tau Kappa Alpha Conference
Public Speaking 3rd Honors
Tom Woods
Presented by Tau Kappa Alpha
Photo: Young Debate, 2017
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Image: Florida State University Libraries